Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I had some linen doilies and a nice little cotton doily was playing around with an idea and saw something similar in a magazine for a hanging Pin-Keep, so this is my little creation I came up with. You know when you are forever looking for a needle or safety pin before rushing out the door and can never find one....ggggrrrr, it happens to me all the time. I have seen different primitive styles in country magazines and fairs but nothing to hang up. This one you can hang in your kitchen bathroom or bedroom and under the little flap is a spot for pins and a little pocket for maybe some thread or buttons. I listed this PinKeep today in the shop.

1 comment:

  1. Your shop is so light and lovely...fresh and crisp. I love that...crisp, cool, orderly living. I love that...not that I have it, but I love it. ;0)


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