Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Antique Samplers

I came across some wonderful images of 19th century Samplers that I had to share with you. These are some pricey pieces are from a antique dealer in New England and would be bought by a serious collector. But what good is that to have such works of homespun lovely needlework hidden away and enjoyed by one person only? I ask myself. A work of such detail and meaning carefully crafted by a lady or young girl whiling away the hours by the fire lit hearth on a dark November evening in the families Salt Box house. I love the pictorial images of the New England houses featured on these works. I can just imagine the Salt Box house standing tall against the elements of nature around them, winds whipping through the surrounding farm fields, sleet and snow weathering the paint and wood. Our ancestors were hardy people.


  1. I love antique samplers...such a glimpse into life from the past..a simpler time in so many ways. These are beautiful.

  2. Hi Kelly
    I love the samplers, I think they are pretty but not half as nice as your new banner, you have inspired me to think about doing a yule banner myself. You clever thing you !
    Hugs Lynn xx

  3. love these- I was born in and live in PA., but I am a New Englander at heart! I was lucky to live in Boston for 5 years. Samplers are so cool!

  4. Beautiful pics....they were hardy people. Well put. JP is studying pioneers right now...such a great period to study.

  5. I am so pleased to see how much you admire the samplers from our website, www.samplings.com. We do, however, sell our samplers, and for the use of our photos and the sake of the private collectors we do ask that you give us and our site credit. We are in fact located in Philadelphia, not New England. We'd be happy to allow you to link to our website from your blogsite, but please do let us know if you do so.


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